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學與教博覽 2022 「攜手共創教育未來」

作家相片: Liv Tech Company LimitedLiv Tech Company Limited

學與教博覽 2022 「攜手共創教育未來」

香港會議展覽中心 3CDE 大廳


2022-12-7 (星期三) 10am - 6pm

2022-12-8 (星期四) 10am - 6pm

2022-12-9 (星期五) 10am - 6pm


亞洲頂尖教育博覽「學與教博覽」將於本年12月7 至9日假香港會議展覽中心再度舉行。「學與教教博覽」助教育界人士積極裝備自己,迎接未來的教學挑戰。透過參觀「學與教博覽」,您可以接觸最新的教學資訊,探索具創意的高效教學法,同時與來自世界各地的業界同儕分享經驗及交換意見。


我們期待於博覽中心 與你會面!

參展商名稱: Liv Tech Company Limited 天翔創科有限公司

展位: M04


登入 或掃描二維碼

* 參觀博覽當天請攜同你的電子入場證到埸外的登記櫃位,換取實體入場證。


Learning & Teaching Expo 2022 “Tomorrow’s Learning Today”

Hall 3CDE, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre


2022-12-7 (Wed) 10am - 6pm

2022-12-8 (Thu) 10am - 6pm

2022-12-9 (Fri) 10am - 6 pm

Dear friends,

Asia’s leading education expo, the Learning & Teaching Expo (LTE), will return to Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre on December 7-9 this year. The Expo aims to support educators to equip themselves for forthcoming challenges. By visiting LTE, you will be able to discover the latest educational resources, explore creative and effective pedagogies, and share ideas and experience with peers from around the world.

We cordially invite you to join us as LTD and visit our booth at this significant educational event. Our dedicated and knowledgeable team will be ready to show you our innovations and answer any questions you may have.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Exhibitor Name : Liv Tech Company Limited 天翔創科有限公司

Booth: M04

Visitor Registration:

Visit or scan the QR code

  • Please bring your eTicket to redeem a physical admission badge at the Visitor Registration Counters outside the exhibition hall.



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