VIVE MARS第一次喺學界展覽出現,大家唔好錯過啦!
#ViveMars will be part of a demo at Learning & Teaching Expo 2022 with Liv Tech Company LTD and Pixels Per Innovation ltd! If you are in Hong Kong, don't miss out the chance to catch a live demo at Booth #M04.
Learning & Teaching Expo 2022
Date: 8/12/2022
Time: 14:00-17:00
Location: HKCEC Hall 3CDE
Booth: M04
For more information about Mars, join
#LTE2022#LearningandTeachingExpo#EducationExpo#EducationExhibition#Exhibition#vivemars#unrealengine#virtualproductionHTC VIVE Hong Kong Virtual ProductionHTC HK
